<<widget "bum">>
<<if $bodytype eq "slender">>
<<print either("heart-shaped", "petite", "lithe", "svelt", "compact", "narrow", "willowy", "round")>>\
<<elseif $bodytype eq "voluptuous">>
<<print either("curvy", "large", "ample", "plump", "round", "curvaceous", "protruding", "shapely", "rotund", "fat", "thick")>>\
<<elseif $bodytype eq "heavyset">>
<<print either("huge", "ginormous", "round", "fleshy", "wide", "expansive", "corpulent", "sizeable", "generous", "huge", "fat", "thick")>>\
<!-- This is a wrapper around the link macro. It stores in the -->
<!-- variable $chosenVar the index of the choice made by the player. -->
<!-- This is then used by the "chosen" widget to customize text in -->
<!-- small ways based on the player' choice. -->
<<widget "decision">>
<<for _i to 1; _i lt _args.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _link to $args[_i]>>
<<link [[_link|$args[0]]]>><<set $chosenVar to _i-1>><</link>><br />
<!-- Given at least as many arguments as choices in the previous section,
<!-- prints the argument at the index of the player's choice. -->
<<widget "chosen">>
<<set $genders to ["male", "female"]>>
<<widget "setSpankerGender">>
<<set $juliana to {
"male": "Julian",
"female": "Juliana"
<<set $julianaGender to $spankerGender>>
<<if $julianaGender == "random">>
<<set $julianaGender to $genders.random()>>
<<set $jName to $juliana[$julianaGender]>>
<<set $jshe to $pronouns[$julianaGender].he>>
<<set $jher to $pronouns[$julianaGender].his>>
<<set $jherm to $pronouns[$julianaGender].him>>
<<set $jShe to $pronouns[$julianaGender].He>>
<<set $jHer to $pronouns[$julianaGender].His>>
<<set $jHerm to $pronouns[$julianaGender].Him>>
<<set $auntAgatha to {
"male": "Uncle Herbert",
"female": "Aunt Agatha"
<<set $auntieUncle to {
"male": "uncle",
"female": "auntie"
<<set $AuntieUncle to {
"male": "Uncle",
"female": "Auntie"
<<set $agathaGender to $spankerGender>>
<<if $agathaGender == "random">>
<<set $agathaGender to $genders.random()>>
<<set $aName to $auntAgatha[$agathaGender]>>
<<set $ashe to $pronouns[$agathaGender].he>>
<<set $aher to $pronouns[$agathaGender].his>>
<<set $aherm to $pronouns[$agathaGender].him>>
<<set $aShe to $pronouns[$agathaGender].He>>
<<set $aHer to $pronouns[$agathaGender].His>>
<<set $aHerm to $pronouns[$agathaGender].Him>>
<<set $auntie to $auntieUncle[$agathaGende]>>
<<set $Auntie to $AuntieUncle[$agathaGende]>>
<<widget "setSpankeeGender">>
<<widget "setSwitchGender">>
<<set $moonlight to {
"male": "Jason",
"female": "Jade"
<<set $moonlightGender to $switchGender>>
<<if $moonlightGender == "random">>
<<set $moonlightGender to $genders.random()>>
<<set $mName to $moonlight[$moonlightGender]>>
<<set $mshe to $pronouns[$moonlightGender].he>>
<<set $mher to $pronouns[$moonlightGender].his>>
<<set $mherm to $pronouns[$moonlightGender].him>>
<<set $mShe to $pronouns[$moonlightGender].He>>
<<set $mHer to $pronouns[$moonlightGender].His>>
<<set $mHerm to $pronouns[$moonlightGender].Him>>
Bodytype: <<listbox "$bodytype">>
<<option "slender">>
<<option "voluptuous" selected>>
<<option "heavyset">>
Your bottom is <<linkreplace "...">><<bum>><</linkreplace>>.
<<decision "Direction"
"Go Left"
"Go Right"
<<set $next to "You are standing in a large room.">>
<span id="direction">
<<link "Left">>
<<replace "#direction">>You went left. <<include "nextRoom">><</replace>>
<<link "Right">>
<<replace "#direction">>You went right. <<include "nextRoom">><</replace>>
<<link "Forward">>
<<replace "#direction">>You went forward. <<include "nextRoom">><</replace>>
You went <<chosen "left" "right">>.Name: <<textbox "$name" "Raven">>
Spankens: $spankens
Bum Status: //$soreAspects[$sore]//
Wealth: //$wealthAspects[$wealth]//
Aspects: //<span id="aspects">$aspects</span>//
Clever: <span id="cleverStat">$clever</span>
Quick: <span id="quickStat">$quick</span>
Sneaky: <span id="sneakyStat">$sneaky</span>
Shirt: <<listbox "$shirt">>
<<optionsfrom $shirts>>
Pants: <<listbox "$pants">>
<<optionsfrom $pantsList>>
Underwear: <<listbox "$underwear">>
<<optionsfrom $underwearList>>
Hairstyle:<<listbox "$hairstyle">>
<<option "down">>
<<option "pig tails">>
<<option "ponytail" selected>>
<<option "bun">>
<<option "mohawk">>
<<option "crown">>
<<option "single-tail braid">>
Haircolor: <<listbox "$haircolor">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "brown">>
<<option "black" selected>>
<<option "rainbow">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "pink">>
Gender: <<listbox "$gender">>
<<option "male">>
<<option "female" selected>>
Bodytype: <<listbox "$bodytype">>
<<option "slender">>
<<option "voluptuous" selected>>
<<option "heavyset">>
Fitness: <<listbox "$fitness">>
<<option "soft" selected>>
<<option "firm">>
<<option "muscular">>
Height: <<listbox "$height">>
<<option "short" selected>>
<<option "average">>
<<option "tall">>
Hairlength: <<listbox "$hairlength">>
<<option "short">>
<<option "shoulders">>
<<option "back" selected>>
Skincolor: <<listbox "$haircolor">>
<<option "ivory">>
<<option "peach" selected>>
<<option "tanned">>
<<option "brown">>
<<option "black">>
Taken: <span id="spankeeStat">$spankee</span>
Dealt: <span id="spankerStat">$spanker</span>
[[Customize!|customization]]<!-- Default settings for game customization options -->
<<set $random to "default">>
<<set $pronouns to {
"male": {"he": "he", "his": "his", "him": "him", "He": "He", "His": "His", "Him": "Him"},
"female": {"he": "she", "his": "her", "him": "her", "He": "Her", "His": "Her", "Him": "Her"}
<<set $spankerGender to "female">>
<<set $spankeeGender to "female">>
<<set $switchGender to "female">>
<!-- Default settings for character customization options. -->
<<set $name to "Raven">>
<<set $spankens to 2>>
<<set $spankee to 0>>
<<set $spanker to 0>>
<<set $clever to 0>>
<<set $quick to 0>>
<<set $sneaky to 0>>
<<set $points to 3>>
<<set $aspectCount to 3>>
<<set $aspects to []>>
<!-- Aspects -->
<<set $theGoodIsTheEnemyOfThePerfect to "The Good Is The Enemy of the Perfect">>
<<set $stealEverythingNailedDown to "Steal Everything Nailed Down">>
<<set $bornDomme to "Born Dom(me)">>
<<set $bornSub to "Born Sub">>
<<set $vixenSmile to "Vixen Smile">>
<<set $puppyDogEyes to "Puppy Dog Eyes">>
<<set $luckFavorsTheClumsy to "Luck Favors the Clumsy">>
<<set $shirts to ["sports bra", "t-shirt", "large shirt", "v-necked t-shirt", "blue vest", "suit top", "blouse", "tanktop", "crop top", "midriff-baring tank top", "flower print dress", "pink dress", "sundress", "tight, short black dress", "none"]>>
<<set $pantsList to ["cheeky running shorts", "running shorts", "cheeky grey cotton shorts", "knee-length jean shorts", "basketball shorts", "cotton shorts", "cotton short shorts", "daisy dukes", "cheeky daisy dukes", "jeans", "baggy jeans", "skinny jeans", "blue shorts", "slacks", "sweat pants", "track pants", "tight sweat pants", "leggings", "knee-length skirt", "pencil skirt", "skater skirt", "miniskirt", "leather miniskirt", "none"]>>
<<set $underwearList to ["thong", "g-string", "lacy panties", "cheeky boy shorts", "boy shorts", "underwear", "tights", "boxer briefs", "boxers", "none"]>>
<<set $sore to 0>>
<<set $soreAspects to ["Peachy", "Tender", "Sore", "Sitting Is Overrated Anyway", "Pants Are Optional Right"]>>
<<set $wealth to 0>>
<<set $wealthAspects to ["Broke", "Not Broke", "Spending Money", "Upper Middle Class", "Totally Loaded"]>>Welcome to *The Mischievous Misfortune* a spanking-filled story about a cat burglar who may or may not be highly talented, and may or may not have some superpowers. You're just trying to make ends meet, and stay one step ahead of a certain pretentious, loudmouth superheroine calling herself "Moonlight."
First, [[go here if you want to customize things like spanker/spankee gender, and how dice rolls work|customization]]. You can change these things later by following the "Customize!" link at the bottom of the side panel to the left.
To the left are a whole bunch of stats about your character. You can click on each link below to learn more about the rules of the game and the stats to the left. Or, you can just skip all this nonsense, build your character, and get right to the game. The game will tell you whenever you need to do something, so you should be able to muddle through and figure things out just by playing.
<<linkreplace "Rules Overview">>
This game is an adventure book that uses a (simplification of) Fate Accelerated for its rules: https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/get-started.
The basic idea is that your PC's goal is to become filthy rich by stealing rich people blind. However, *your* goal is to craft an interesting story that likely involves your PC getting many a sound spanking on their naughty, thieving bottom. The game will reward you with "Spankens" when you let your PC get into trouble, which you can use to get said PC out of trouble later.
<<linkreplace "Approaches and Checks">>
Your character has three "approaches" available to them: Quick, Clever, and Sneaky. Think of them sort of like skills. When your character tries something Quick, Clever, or Sneaky, the game will roll [[4 Fudge dice|https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/how-do-stuff-outcomes-actions-and-approaches#dice-or-cards]], and add your bonus for that approach. If the result meets or exceeds a threshold, then your character succeeds and good stuff (for them) happens. If they don't, then they fail the roll and bad stuff (for them) happens. *However*! If you fail a roll, and you have an applicable Aspect, then the game will ask if you want to spend a Spanken to *invoke* the Aspect and succeed anyway.
The approaches are taken from the Fate Accelerated ruleset.
You have 3 points available to spend to improve your approaches. You can put all 3 points into one approach, spread them evenly, or put 2 points into one approach, 1 point into a third, and 0 points into the third. Personally, I recommend the 2-1-0. That gives you an approach you're good at, an approach you're decent at, and an approach you're mediocre at.
Points:<span id="count">$points</span>
<<button "''+''">>
<<if $points > 0>>
<<set $clever++>>
<<replace "#cleverStat">><<print $clever>><</replace>>
<<set $points-->>
<<replace "#count">><<print $points>><</replace>>
<</button>> <<button "''-''">>
<<if $points < 3 && $clever > 0>>
<<set $clever-->>
<<replace "#cleverStat">><<print $clever>><</replace>>
<<set $points++>>
<<replace "#count">><<print $points>><</replace>>
<</button>> Clever: How good you are at thinking fast, solving problems and accounting for complex variables.
<<button "''+''">>
<<if $points > 0>>
<<set $quick++>>
<<replace "#quickStat">><<print $quick>><</replace>>
<<set $points-->>
<<replace "#count">><<print $points>><</replace>>
<</button>> <<button "''-''">>
<<if $points < 3 && $quick > 0>>
<<set $quick-->>
<<replace "#quickStat">><<print $quick>><</replace>>
<<set $points++>>
<<replace "#count">><<print $points>><</replace>>
<</button>> Quick: How good you are at moving quickly and with dexterity.
<<button "''+''">>
<<if $points > 0>>
<<set $sneaky++>>
<<replace "#sneakyStat">><<print $sneaky>><</replace>>
<<set $points-->>
<<replace "#count">><<print $points>><</replace>>
<</button>> <<button "''-''">>
<<if $points < 3 && $sneaky > 0>>
<<set $sneaky-->>
<<replace "#sneakyStat">><<print $sneaky>><</replace>>
<<set $points++>>
<<replace "#count">><<print $points>><</replace>>
<</button>> Sneaky: How good you are at stealth, deceit, and misdirection.
<<linkreplace "Spankens and Aspects">>
Spankens are tokens that you accumulate by taking //compels// on Aspects, and that you spend by //invoking// them on Aspects.
Aspects are short phrases that describe something important about the scene or your character. These aspects can be used to //compel// your PC (basically, you get a Spanken, and a wrench gets thrown into the PC's plans), or //invoked// to bypass a check.
Roughly, you can think of a //Compel// as an automatic failure. When a compel is available the game will say something like:
"Because you tend to //Steal Everything Nailed Down// you find yourself [[snatching up every glittery little bauble in reach|example]]."
If you were to click the link above, you would gain a Spanken, and the PC would proceed to get greedy. However, there's nothing stopping you from *not* clicking the link. All compels are optional. Perhaps this time, your PC summoned up her Heroic Willpower and didn't let herself be distracted.
However, you really should take as many Compels as you can. There may be checks you really want to pass later, and Compels are the only way for you to gain Spankens.
On the flipside, when you fail a skill check, and one of their Aspects applies, the game will offer you the option of spending a Spanken to *invoke* that Aspect and bypass the check. In that case, you might see something like this:
"As Misfortune leaps onto the railing, she can feel her feet starting to slip out from under her. However, because her *Luck Favors the Clumsy* she can [[throw herself into a cartwheel|example]] in the split second before she falls. Otherwise, she [[falls right into Moonlight's waiting arms.|example]]."
The basic intended rhythm of the game is that the player takes compels on the PC in situations they are ok with failure, so that they have Spankens to spend when they really want to succeed.
Or the player could just take every compel offered, never spend their Spankens and watch Misfortune live up to her name. Whichever, I'm not judging.
The game will offer you a choice of 7 Aspects, and you will be able to pick 3 of them. These define the background, strengths, and weaknesses of your character. In addition to these 3 Aspects, you also have aspects representing your Wealth and Bum Status. These may also be available for compels and invocations.
Note that //Born Dom(me)// and //Born Sub// are effectively different flavors of the same thing. //Born Dom(me)// is for more dominant seducers, while //Born Sub// is for submissive seducers. They will tend to apply in the same situations, so taking both will likely be redundant. Of course, if you want to be able to seduce from both sides of the lap, go for it. The game will still be perfectly playable and (hopefully) enjoyable.
Similarly, //Vixen Smile// and //Puppy Dog Eyes// are inverses of each other, and will tend to show up in the same situations. If you have a //Vixen Smile// people tend to assume you're up to no good (even if you aren't), while if you have //Puppy Dog Eyes// people will tend to assume you're innocent (even when you're not). Typically, when you are able to invoke //Vixen Smile//, you'll be able to compel on //Puppy Dog Eyes// and vice versa. So these two aren't quite as redundant with each other as //Born Dom(me)// and //Born Sub//. But they tend to show up side by side.
Aspects to pick: <span id="aspectCount">$aspectCount</span>
<<link "//$stealEverythingNailedDown//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($stealEverythingNailedDown)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($stealEverythingNailedDown)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($stealEverythingNailedDown)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You steal stuff. Even when it's nailed down, and especially when you're anxious. A normal person might pull out a fidget cube and futz with it when she's nervous. When you're nervous, you steal her cube. This also means you're very very good at theft. So good in fact, you can steal her cube without her noticing. Right away. Unfortunately, people tend to eventually notice when you're constantly stealing their stuff.
<<link "//$theGoodIsTheEnemyOfThePerfect//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($theGoodIsTheEnemyOfThePerfect)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($theGoodIsTheEnemyOfThePerfect)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($theGoodIsTheEnemyOfThePerfect)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You are a master planner with acute attention to detail, and a strong work ethic. You will plan a caper down to the smallest detail, and think of (almost) every possible way things could go wrong, and devise a plan for that too. Unfortunately, even you can't think of //everything// and you really can't handle it when things go sideways. You also detest settling for "good enough" and will strive for "perfect" even when you don't have time or are otherwise under pressure to get something done.
<<link "//$bornDomme//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($bornDomme)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($bornDomme)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($bornDomme)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You are smooth, sexy and able to convince damn near anyone to drop their pants, and/or go over your knee(for fun or otherwise). Very useful when you're looking for information, need to distract a guard, or just want to blow off steam. On the other hand, you're sometimes a little *too* confident in your dominant sexiness. As a result, it's not that hard for crafty individuals to turn the tables on you either because they saw through your act, aren't interested (and may, in fact, be a little insulted), or are a //Born Sub// whose just plain better at seduction than you. Also, your natural dominance may rub some people the wrong way, intimidate them too much to be helpful, or cause you to ignore them even when you shouldn't. This is the dominant version of //Born Sub//.
<<link "//$bornSub//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($bornSub)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($bornSub)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($bornSub)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You are playful, sexy and able to convince damn near anyone to jump your bones, or put you over their knee for a little bit of fun. All it takes is a little wiggle of your round, full, excessively spankable ass, and a taunting wink. Very useful when you're looking for information, need to distract a guard, or just want to blow off steam. On the other hand, you're sometimes a little *too* confident in your cheeky sexiness. As a result, it's not that hard for crafty individuals to turn the tables on you either because they saw through your act, aren't interested (and may, in fact, be a little insulted), or are a //Born Dom// that's just plain better at seduction than you. Also, you have a hard time telling people "no" and may find yourself doing what they tell you, even if you don't want to. Usually you can turn this to your advantage. But not always. This is the submissive version of //Born Dom(me)//.
<<link "//$vixenSmile//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($vixenSmile)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($vixenSmile)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($vixenSmile)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You've got one of those smiles. You know the ones, full of mischief and naughty glee. People look at you and immediately assume you're up to no good. Someone put a pin on the teacher's chair? You're the one who ended up over her knee and howling whether you did it or not. This has gotten you into all sorts of trouble. But it also means you have lots of experience being in trouble, and are thus very well equipped to handle it. You have also learned to use your mischievous grin to distract people away from your *real* mischief to something small and inconsequential. This is the naughty counterpart to //Puppy Dog Eyes//.
<<link "//$puppyDogEyes//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($puppyDogEyes)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($puppyDogEyes)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($puppyDogEyes)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You have big, soulful eyes, and the best damn pout this side of the Atlantic, and you know it. People take one look at you and your innocent, cherubic face and they refuse to believe you could possibly be up to any mischief. Unfortunately, your cute, youthful face makes it really hard for people to take you seriously. Adorableness dialed up to 11 is great when you're getting out of trouble, not so great when you want people to take you seriously. This is the innocent counterpart to //Vixen Smile//.
<<link "//$luckFavorsTheClumsy//:">>
<<if $aspects.includes($luckFavorsTheClumsy)>>
<<set $aspects.delete($luckFavorsTheClumsy)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount++>>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<<elseif $aspectCount > 0>>
<<set $aspects.push($luckFavorsTheClumsy)>>
<<replace "#aspects">><<print $aspects>><</replace>>
<<set $aspectCount-->>
<<replace "#aspectCount">><<print $aspectCount>><</replace>>
<</link>> You are simultaneously the clumsiest, most unlucky person on the planet, *and* the luckiest person on the planet. If there's something fragile nearby, you will fall and break it. If there's a patch of ice, you will slip and fall on it. Probably into something fragile, even if makes no damn sense for a fragile vase worth thousands of dollars to be sitting on a marble stand next to a patch of ice. Of course, because you slipped on the ice, the superheroine flying towards you at superhuman speed zoomed over you instead of into you, and got herself stuck in a wall. Meanwhile, Steel Jaws of Doom snapped from the ceiling and would have captured you if they weren't being wedged open by that marble stand you knocked over. And sure, you dropped the precious jewel you stole, but it bounced off the floor, conked its owner on the nose and landed back in your lap.
<<linkreplace "Character Customizations">>
The game also provides a wealth of character customization options from gender to bodytype to the clothing you're wearing. These can be freely modified at any time (yes, including gender, however NPC's will not comment on such changes. If you suddenly make your female character male, well then you've always been male to the NPC's).
These will have minimal impact on the story, but may influence the text in small ways. The most obvious of course is which pronouns the game uses to refer to your character. Spanking scenes will typically take your clothing into account, and perhaps even hairlength. Descriptions of other characters may take in your height, etc.
Sometimes, the game will automatically set your clothing to something you otherwise don't have access to (like your costume). If you change your clothing when that happens you will *not* be able to change it back. Also, clothing options are not restricted in any way by gender. If you want your male PC running around in a skirt, that's fine. People are rarely going to comment on it though (sissification and related fetishes aren't really a part of the game).
<</linkreplace>>Just an Example. [[Back to game start|Overview]]Here you customize various things that impact how you experience the game.
<<linkreplace "NPC Gender">>
Every NPC of note will fall under one of three categories: spanker, spankee and switch.
Spankers are characters who mostly just administer spankings (to your character, or others). There may be the occasional scene where the tables are turned, but those will be rare and hard to find.
Spankees are characters who mostly receive spankings. Sometimes, they may get an opportunity to spank someone else instead, but those scenes will be rare and hard to find.
Switches: Characters who alternate fairly regularly between spanker and spankee (sometimes in the same scene!)
There are three possible values:
Male: Characters of this type are always male.
Female: Characters of this type are always female.
Random: When this option is selected, the game will randomize the gender of each character in this category.
Spanker: <span id="spankerGender">$spankerGender</span>
* <<button "Male">>
<<set $spankerGender to "male">>
<<replace "#spankerGender">><<print $spankerGender>><</replace>>
* <<button "Female">>
<<set $spankerGender to "female">>
<<replace "#spankerGender">><<print $spankerGender>><</replace>>
* <<button "Random">>
<<set $spankerGender to "random">>
<<replace "#spankerGender">><<print $spankerGender>><</replace>>
Spankee: <span id="spankeeGender">$spankeeGender</span>
* <<button "Male">>
<<set $spankeeGender to "male">>
<<replace "#spankeeGender">><<print $spankeeGender>><</replace>>
* <<button "Female">>
<<set $spankeeGender to "female">>
<<replace "#spankeeGender">><<print $spankeeGender>><</replace>>
* <<button "Random">>
<<set $spankeeGender to "random">>
<<replace "#spankeeGender">><<print $spankeeGender>><</replace>>
Switch: <span id="switchGender">$switchGender</span>
* <<button "Male">>
<<set $switchGender to "male">>
<<replace "#switchGender">><<print $switchGender>><</replace>>
* <<button "Female">>
<<set $switchGender to "female">>
<<replace "#switchGender">><<print $switchGender>><</replace>>
* <<button "Random">>
<<set $switchGender to "random">>
<<replace "#switchGender">><<print $switchGender>><</replace>>
<<linkreplace "Skill Check Randomness">>
Whenever making a skill check, the game generates a random number between -4 and 4 and adds it to your value in the appropriate skill. This setting allows you to determine the nature of that randomness. You have three options:
* Default: -1, 0, 1 are the most common results. More extreme results are increasingingly rare. This setting means that it's mostly your skills that matter, but there is some randomness in the result that leaves you guessing.
* Flat: All results between -4 and 4 are equally likely. This can result in a lot of "swinginess" and makes your skill values less important than with Default.
* Fixed: The result is always 0. This means your skills are the be all and end all, and randomness plays no role in whether you succeed or fail. WARNING: Your highest possible skill value is 3 (if you put all three skill points into one skill). Some very challenging checks may be higher than that. Using this option means you will always fail those challenges regardless of your skill, and the only way to pass will be by invoking an aspect if the game gives you that option.
<<radiobutton "$random" "default" autocheck>> Default
<<radiobutton "$random" "flat" autocheck>> Flat
<<radiobutton "$random" "Fixed" autocheck>> Fixed
<<return "Back to the game!">>