Lillian and A Little Fitness

And here we have the sequel to Lillian and the Ritual:

Lillian and A Little Fitness in which Lillian discovers it’s not just her landlady who has suddenly taken a keen interest in helping her get her shit together.

A new tab has also been added to the bar along the top “The Adventures of Lillian” some old bars (particularly “Etrian Odyssey”) have been removed, though you can still find the posts with the links to the Etrian Odyssey stories by searching for posts with the Etrian Odyssey tag.

Hope people enjoy!


14 thoughts on “Lillian and A Little Fitness

  1. What a great continuation of the Adventures of Lilian! I’d like to get the Etrian Odyssey stories, but I don’t see the links in the posts. Do you mind posting them?

    1. Oops! Sorry about that. I’ve rearranged the menus some, so that Etrian Odyssey can now be found under “Other Stuff” along with the old “Eye of the Brainstorm” stuff. I also grouped some Scarlet Moon specific stuff under a “Scarlet Moon” header now that Scarlet Moon is complete.

  2. Read both Lillian stories, they are great! Keep posting these, the premise is fun and can’t wait to read more.

  3. It’s the end of April now, and not to rush you or anything, just to let you know I loved seeing your game, and definitely looking forward to seeing the next playable version of Misfortune

      1. Sorry, I’ve been so silent. Life has been super busy lately, and I’ve been struggling a bit with The Mischievous Misfortune. I might have to table that game for a bit (honestly, I already sort of have), and try to see if I can come up with something more engaging.

        I’ve poked a little bit at Samantha Stone as well, but I don’t know. Just been going through a pretty long slump right now.

        1. I’m not the original commenter but thank you for saying something, you got silent for a lot of time.

          Don’t worry about games, even the little short stories like Lillian’s are good. Anything, really.
          To be honest, I even appreciated Lillian stories more since stories are a bit more direct and easy to approach than games.

          If you feel your creativity down, take your time. If you feel we can help with ideas, inputs or even encouragement, we are here.

          Take care.

  4. I love this story! Lillian is a cute spankee with a giant rump! I love how she can get spanked in embarassing ways but thanks to the spell no one can see her!|

    You think overtime she will not only learn to accept the punishments but maybe start to like them a little?

    Keep up the good work!

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